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Working in Partnerships

Job Support Wales

Fedcap Employment is looking for key partners to support our bid proposal for The Welsh Government’s new employability programme Job Support Wales. Job Support Wales is a new voluntary programme designed to support people of all ages to overcome barriers and gain the skills to achieve and maintain good quality, sustainable employment and it will have three strands: (i) Youth Engagement; (ii) Youth Training and (iii) Adult programmes.

We are interested in bidding for the Adult programmes in South West and Mid Wales. The programme will support unemployed and economically inactive adults aged 18 and over and who want to work, but who require employability skills or additional support to enable them to enter employment.

The programme aims to:

  • Provide tailored support for unemployed and economically inactive adults to find and retain employment;
  • Be flexible and innovative to respond to the needs of individuals and recruiting employers;
  • Focus on sustained job outcomes;
  • Be responsive to changes in Ministerial priorities or a change in the economic climate, for example large scale redundancy support.

All referrals received onto the programme will be from Working Wales (Welsh Government’s national programme, delivered by Career Wales). Individuals will have an independent needs-based assessment through an advice and guidance process which will generate a referral to Job Support Wales.

The primary measure of success for this programme is securing sustainable employment including an Apprenticeship or self-employment.

We are currently looking for potential partners who can support our delivery either as an end-to-end provider or a provider of specialist support across one or more local authority areas. We particularly welcome expressions of interest from organisations with experience in delivering Welsh Government programmes.

If you are interested in potentially working with us on this opportunity, please complete our Expression of Interest form and submit to before Monday 8 July 2019.

We are

Recruiting with us will broaden your horizons when it comes to finding the right person for your organisation. We offer a bespoke employer support package, with candidates job-ready with the right skills and personality for your business.

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Fedcap Employment

60 Charles Street


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